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Art and Painting share our daily life. Bodjaro invites you to explore some facets of this universe so rich in emotions.

Dare Art and Painting

Qu'est-ce que le Minimalisme en peinture ?

What is Minimalism in painting?

Minimalism is an abstract artistic movement which advocates a return to the essential, without affect. Discover how this refined aesthetic was born and why it continues to inspire designers today.

What is Minimalism in painting?

Minimalism is an abstract artistic movement which advocates a return to the essential, without affect. Discover how this refined aesthetic was born and why it continues to inspire designers today.

Palette de couleurs d'un Artiste Peintre

What is a color palette in painting?

The palette allows an Artist to mix and work with his colors. By extension, it also characterizes an Artwork in the choice of shades and their arrangement.

What is a color palette in painting?

The palette allows an Artist to mix and work with his colors. By extension, it also characterizes an Artwork in the choice of shades and their arrangement.

Pinceau et Toile Abstraite

What is Composition in painting?

Discover the role and evolution of "composition" in painting. Why is it much more than a simple application of rules of balance and harmony?

What is Composition in painting?

Discover the role and evolution of "composition" in painting. Why is it much more than a simple application of rules of balance and harmony?

Femme Artiste avec un Pinceau

What is Expressionism in Painting?

Express rather than show. Discover the underside of Expressionism and why its emotional and spontaneous approach is a powerful creative force in Painting.

What is Expressionism in Painting?

Express rather than show. Discover the underside of Expressionism and why its emotional and spontaneous approach is a powerful creative force in Painting.

Coupe de Champagne pour Vernissage Tableau

What is a "vernissage"?

Where does the tradition of opening an exhibition come from? Why varnish a Painting? Discover the origin and usefulness of varnishing, literally and figuratively.

What is a "vernissage"?

Where does the tradition of opening an exhibition come from? Why varnish a Painting? Discover the origin and usefulness of varnishing, literally and figuratively.

Artiste en Costume en train de Peindre

Why buy a unique hand-painted Artwork?

A unique hand-painted Artwork has more soul and authenticity than a reproduction or a print. Discover all the benefits of such an acquisition.

Why buy a unique hand-painted Artwork?

A unique hand-painted Artwork has more soul and authenticity than a reproduction or a print. Discover all the benefits of such an acquisition.